Retirement Planning Approaches Towards Well-being
As a teenager you might have thought that life after retirement would be like a calm sea and there would be no struggle. Life is not fairly so simple. In reality, we have too many commitments. Retirement means
Money Mistakes To Avoid: Living Within Your Means
You may recognize how much you earn but you don’t count how you spend. This is the root cause of money mistakes Expense management sheet may sound good for you. But how to go about the same? “Money isn't
Let The Personal Financial Plan Work For Peace Beyond Happiness
Both peace and happiness have been tagged as the most un-understood phenomenon in the world. Rather, everybody hopes to achieve happiness and chases the horizon. Happiness is a state of mind. It doesn’t lie in any tangible object(s).
Financial Plan implementation requires stepping out of comfort zone
Judicious Financial Plan implementation processes and review at regular intervals makes your journey towards financial freedom less disruptive. It’s the tendency of any human being to stick to one’s own comfort zone. It’s really difficult to leave your comfort
Personal financial matters should be shared with your spouse
Being Certified Financial Planner in Kolkata, we have been seeing that family members experience intolerable pain during contingencies because of casual approach of family's bread earner. Quite often, the bread earner does not share personal financial matters with
Hybrid Mutual Funds: Running through the basic aspects
Hybrid Mutual Fund is a category of Mutual Fund that is represented by diversification among two or more asset classes. It can be a mixture of debt, equity, gold, real estate, etc. in different proportions based on the