Revisiting Equity Mutual Funds basics & essential points
A Mutual Fund is a type of financial vehicle made up of a pool of money collected from large number of investors to invest in securities such as stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and other assets. Each Mutual Fund scheme is
Assembled outlook concerning your investment decisions
A casual investor usually has less knowledge. He doesn’t follow calculated investment strategies. During business cycles, he’s the first ones to behave oppositely. Markowitz portfolio theory attempts to nail down investment decision-making in terms of risk and return. A casual
Business cycle components & related investment strategies
One can relate business cycle with ECG (Electrocardiogram). Flat line indicates that economy is dead. No business in the world economy has a flat trajectory. Businesses have periods of economic expansion and contraction. Rather, the economic environment is dynamic than
You need your Financial Plan & Investment Strategy at every stage of life
Investment strategies are naturally linked to your Financial Plan. Investment covers wide range of activities (investment vehicles) like investing money in certificates of deposit, bonds, equity shares or mutual funds, tangible assets, such as gold or other precious metals, real
Family Budget & Cash Flow is cardinal in your Financial Plan
A personal financial budget/ family budget refers to allocating your income in a planned way towards the expenses like household, lifestyle, dependents, insurance premium, debt repayment, etc. The surplus is to be kept aside to build Contingency Fund first. Thereafter,
Financial Plan review process for retirees should not be disregarded
Having a Financial Plan, reviewing and monitoring the Financial Plan are indispensable processes in prudently managing your personal finance. You can’t deny the relevance any more in current rapid socio-economic changing scenarios. Like others, it’s not an exception for retirees.
Financial Goals are achievable through S.M.A.R.T techniques
Accomplishment of financial goals are one of the major fundamentals towards financial wellness. It is achievable if goals are S.M.A.R.T. We can say that nothing astounding will happen to you unless you gather the necessary courage and have strong conviction
Emotional decisions are affecting your journey towards Financial Freedom
Your financial freedom is disrupted once you are driven by emotions, i.e. anxiety, happiness, sadness, fear & greed. This happens when you follow your heart without allowing your mind to apply logic. Thus, you fail to plan rationally. Relying on
Retirement is starting for a new life: Plan for it accordingly
"Retirement, a time to enjoy all the things you never had time to do when you worked." - Catherine Pulsifer ➛ Have you ever thought about your post retirement life? ➛ How would you want to enjoy your life during post retirement
Cash flow evaluation is a requisite before you leap to any financial decision
Before you leap to any financial decision, be it major or minor, you should always evaluate your cash flow. In simple terms, cash flow signifies your income (cash in) and expenses (cash out). You may consider the below mentioned factors